Tuesday, July 30, 2019
New Zealand dollar
Prime TV launched 1999:Alcohol purchase age for off-licenses reduced from 20 to 18 years of age 2001 :lintiest accrual is removed from student loans while studying. Students who accrued Interest prior to 2001 are still required to pay. 2002:30 June: The population of Canterbury reaches half a million. 7 July: 2002 general election, Labor-led government returned for a second term. 003:Population of New Zealand exceeds 4 million. 2004:Foreshore and Seabed Act passed. Call union Act passed Mà ¤ROR Party formed. Maori TV begins broadcasting 2006:Labor enacts its election promise to remove interest on loans to students living In New Zealand. Five cent coins are dropped from circulation and existing 10 cent, 20 cent and 50 cent coins are replaced with smaller coins. The government announces a NAZIS 1. 5 billion surplus, the largest In the country's history and second only to Denmark in the Western World.South Island population reaches 1 million 2007:2 May: Fairview is launched, providing free-to-air digital television. July. Savvier retirement savings scheme introduced. 18 December:Cacciatore Finance Act enacted. 2008:11 January: mountaineer Sir Edmund Hillary dies. 2009:28 April: First confirmed New Zealand case in the 2009 swine flu outbreak. 2010:4 September: A magnitude 7. 1 earthquake strikes the Canterbury Region causing widespread damage to Christopher and surrounding areas. 2011 :22 February: A magnitude 6. 3 earthquake strikes Christopher causing widespread damage and 184 deaths. 3 October: All Blacks win Rugby World Cup against France, 8-7 in Eden Park, New Zealand. Holiday park guest night figures show pronounced events in March and April 2013. March figures were boosted by great weather and an early Easter, while April figures were adversely affected by the timing of holiday parks shows little movements in recent months. This may change when data for future months is added to the series. The weather was generally warm, dry, and sunny in March, but quite wet in April. Also, while the school holidays fell entirely in April in 2012, this year they fell partly in May.Although there was a drop in domestic guest nights, there was an increase in visitor arrivals and international guest nights. There were 2. 28 million visitor arrivals to New Zealand in the May 2013 year. This is up less than 1 percent from the May 2012 year, but that year was boosted by visitor arrivals for the Rugby World Cup. The increase in net migration over the last five months was mainly due to fewer New Zealand citizen departures to Australia. Immigration from and to NZ has changed dramatically over the years and this may be one of the major factors leading to the amount of people staying at hotels or holiday parks.More people will be coming into the country from the rugby world cup and also people not going anywhere from NZ from the earthquakes in NZ. /11 ââ¬â The September 11 attacks were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks launched by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda upon the United States in New York City and the Washington, D. C. Area on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 In the year ended May 2013, there were 2. 628 million visitors, up less than 1 percent from the previous year. This year's increase was despite visitor numbers in the May 2012 year being boosted by the Rugby World Cup.New Zealand residents departed on 182,400 overseas trips in May 2013. This was up 2 percent from May 2012, and was also a record for a May month. In the May 2013 year, New Zealand residents departed on 2. 163 million overseas trips, up 2 percent from the previous year. The biggest increase was in trips to the United States (up 15,200), helped by a more favorable currency exchange rate. New Zealand had a seasonally adjusted net gain (more arrivals than departures) of 1,700 migrants in May 2013. This is the highest net gain since January 2010 (1 ,800).The increased net gain of migrants over the past five months was mainly due to fewer New Zealand citizens departing to Australia. There was also an increase in arrivals during this period. The seasonally adjusted net loss f 1,900 migrants to Australia in May 2013 was the smallest net loss since July 2010 (1 ,600). The latest net loss to Australia was well down on the recent high of 3,600 recorded in September 2011. In the May 2013 year, New Zealand had a net gain of 6,200 migrants. This compares with a net loss of 3,700 in the May 2012 year. Auckland, Canterbury, and Togo were the only regions that had net gains of international migrants.The Canterbury region's net gain of 2,600 migrants in the May 2013 year compared with a net loss of 2,500 in the May 2012 year, following the Christopher earthquake in February 2011. Temperature Since instrumental measurements began in the late 19th century, New Sealant's average air temperatures have fluctuated substantially year to year, and a number of studies indicate that New Sealant's average temperature has increased. A significant upwa rd trend in national average air temperature was detected of 0. 11 co per decade (for the period from 1896 to 1994) with a 95% confidence interval Ãâà ± 0. ICC. This is roughly twice the trend reported for global data, which may be due to the relative absence of sulfate aerosols in the South Pacific. The Royal Society of New Sealant's Lear upward linear trend in the country-wide average air temperature of 0. Celsius. Financial crisis -Economic growth, which had slowed in 1997 and 1998 due to the negative effects of the Asian financial crisis and two successive years of drought, rebounded in 1999. A low New Zealand dollar, favorable weather, and high commodity prices boosted exports, and the economy is estimated to have grown by 2. 5% in 2000.Growth resumed at a higher level from 2001 onwards due primarily to the lower value of the New Zealand dollar, which made exports more competitive. The return of substantial economic growth led the unemployment rate to drop from . 8% in 1999 to 3. 4% in late 2005, the lowest rate in nearly 20 years. Although New Zealand enjoyed low unemployment rates in the years immediately prior to the financial crisis beginning in 2007, subsequent unemployment rose. New Sealant's large current account deficit, which stood at more than 6. 5% of GAP in 2000, has been a constant source of concern for New Zealand policymakers and hit 9% as of March 2006.The rebound in the export sector is expected to help narrow the deficit to lower levels, especially due to decreases in the exchange rate of the New Zealand dollar during 2008. Between 1985 and 2012, New Sealant's unemployment rate averaged 6. 29%. After the stock market crash of 1989, unemployment began to rise reaching an all-time high of 1 1. 20% in September 1991. By 2007, it had dropped again and the rate stood at 3. 5% (December 2007), its lowest level since the current method of surveying began in 1986. This gave the country the 5th-best ranking in the COED (with an COED average a t the time of 5. %). The low numbers correlated with a robust economy and a large backlog of Job positions at all levels. Unemployment numbers are not always directly comparable between COED nations, as they do not al keep labor market statistics in the same way. The percentage of the population employed also increased in recent years, to 68. 8% of all inhabitants, with full-time jobs increasing slightly, and part-time occupations decreasing in turn. The increase in the working population percentage is attributed to increasing wages and higher costs of living moving more people into employment.Smaller complex? Could be a build up of hotel or holiday park complexes that could determine an increase in the amount of people going to the holiday parks or hotels. The weather around these times? Income, employment, new age ââ¬â parent's and kids not willing to do this anymore because new things such as technology is available and makes children grow up faster Families may have been clo ser back then than they are today economic conditions Minimum and maximum of trend line and talk about the difference = nature of the trend line Why it is increasing/decreasing at certain times on the graph? Changes in the world or new Zealand that may have made this extreme happen eye = scuffs how many Co's to put on the end to convert it to a real number 9/1 1 could eave has an impact on the traveling of the world population as they may be scared to travel as they don't want to be in risk of being killed. Also people over the world may have come over to NZ because of the events from 9/1 1 as they wanted to get away from all of the troubles in America.The introduction to television may also be a big factor as this would have made the population less likely to want to go outside as they are able to stay in and watch the world from the comforts of their home. New technology would have had a huge impact on tourism as people are getting lazier from these factors.
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